Monday 27 February 2012

Racking up on that gold

Loredas, 23rd of Last Seed

Breezehome, as the property offered to me is called, is finally mine! 5000 septims!
Not too bad.
I had to skulk around and gather up a few bounties to get the proper savings but it all worked out.

I had to hire a mercenary for a job at Halted Stream Camp. Her name is Jenassa, Dunmer and scarily so, good with swords and archery. She won't shoot me in the back when I'm not looking will she?

I hit the motherlode in the camp! 7, no 8 Mammoth Tusks. I will be rich!
Ok 1 will be going to Ysolda as I promised to help her out in her trade with the Khajit traders.

But the rest is mine to sell for shiny coin!

Tonight I will celebrate with mead and sweetrolls at the Bannered Mare!

Sunday 26 February 2012

Ready, set, go!

Middas, 20th of Last Seed

I sat awake almost all night, pondering about this string of events that has befallen me these past few days.
It is all just too absurd! The Jarl appointed me Thane of all things, when I arrived back from my dragonslaying.
He also told me to speak to someone he called the Greybeards, regarding the Dragonborn business.
No need to tell you I needed a few meads at the Bannered Mare after that?

I haven't really thought about it since that day, but what was I doing when I tried to cross the border and got caught with those Nords?
What have I been doing before that?
Why can I not remember!?

I am beginning to think the Gods are playing tricks with me.

My conclusion to all of this is to stop caring. If I look at my situation without frustration and anger in my head, this is quite the opportunity.
I have been offered coin for the most mundane tasks and I have been offered intriguing adventures, with shiny treasure as rewards.
I have decided to elf up, and exploit this. Skyrim has lots more to it than I thought.

First things first. I may have to speak with the Jarl and tell him I am interested in that property he offered me.
Can you believe he also offered me a Housecarl?
I'm going to speak with his Magician too. Last time I was there he praised me for being into the schools of magic instead of wanting to brutalize around with a weapon. I might get to learn some spells for free!

Then we have the Greybeards... Might be best to head there first? I am quite intrigued by all the Dragonborn talk by now!

One of those days

Tirdas, 19th of Last Seed

I began my trek towards Whiterun yesterday, arrived fairly late so just went to bed at this nice inn called The Bannered Mare. Along the way however I happened upon a brewery! Honningbrew it was called. 

It tasted good for having such a Nordic name.

This morning however, I did not wake up in good spirits. There were some ruckus downstairs that would not seem to end!
Upon investigating said ruckus I found a woman, somewhat in tears, somewhat exploding with anger.
The local bard is harassing her and just won't stop she says.
I'm contemplating leaving this alone since its not about life and death but her words just got to me.
Despite being one with affinity for magic, I decided to introduce my fist to his face instead. It actually gave good results, he backed off. Hmpfh, men. Or should I say Nords?

This is just one of those days or what?
I have an appointment with the Jarl at Dragonsreach and on my way there I get stopped by a man in brown robes, wild eyes, babbling non-stop of, Thalos was it?
I am not in the mood for this type of crazy so early in the morning so I just back off slowly, flickering a little Flame from my finger to warn him and then leg it! Mara have mercy on me!

I should have known I couldn't be let of the hook so easily.
Another Dragon! Attacked the Western Watchtower! Hadn't much choice but to jump into the fray this time.
But you won't believe what happens next, it speaks to me! The Dragon, speaks! I must have gone crazy for sure this time.


The Jarl's Housecarl, Irileth, whom I had the pleasure to become acquaintanced with earlier (I was so happy meeting another elf here in these lands, ok so shes a Dunmer but, so incredibly harsh!), snarls at her men when they all elated, starts reciting an ancient Nord legend about the Dovakhiin, or Dragonborn as they translate it for me.
I catch bit of it, like a Dragon will appear every 1000 years and something about a Shout?
How come they think I have something to with it!
I'm Ayleid! Salache! Altmer! High Elf!
This is a Nord legend! Wouldn't it make more sense if a Nord turned out to be what they call Dragonborn?

Curse this day.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Treasure Hunting

Morndas, 18th of Last Seed

Oh curses upon my life! Visiting the local Trader I bumped straight into an argument between what I assumed was a married couple. Nah, just a sister and her apparently stuck-up brother.
Apparently they took me for an Adventurer and promptly tasked me with a quest.
A golden claw, stolen then hidden within the nearest barrow falls.
But the man offered good coin so... I decided to go get it for him.
I asked him for some spells before I left, but he told me to travel to the College of Winterhold to get a hold of precious magic. It sounds very intriguing, a college for magic! I will have to make that a priority.

These barrows are not a nice place. Infested with Draugr and petty bandits.
I find some coin here and there though, not too shabby!

I managed to find the thief of the claw and wring it out of his hands.
Well, not before saving him from turning into the lunch of a giant spider. How did it become that big!?
Oh, forgot to mention, he got killed in the wringing-the-claw-out-of-his-hands-process. Oh well.
My curiousity got the better of me for a slight moment and made me trek further down into the barrows. Curses!

Turns out there were some nice treasures waiting down there for me, nothing more freaky then a few Skeevers guarding it either.

Ok I take that back! Entering the very most inner sanctum I find a giant wall, complete with glowing writing on it. I can hear voices beckoning me over...
It all blurs over for a few seconds, it makes my head spin and my limbs go limp.
I suddenly become aware of grunts and the cracking of bones behind me, a Draugr Warlord!
I thank whatever Gods I can for my training in spellslinging. A few blasts of Spark knocks it over and my Flames fries it within seconds. It dissolves into piercing screams.
I am so outta here.

Succulent fresh air, aaah!

My return in Rivenwood is glorious for a few seconds before a guy named Sven approaches me.
Apparently I'm already famous in this town for daring to take on Bleak Fall Barrows and its secrets!
He wants me to do what? Deliver a fake-letter to the Traders sister? Right, a love triangle... For the love of Mara! I am NOT an errand girl!

Lucan Valerius, as the Traders name is, rewards me greatly for the claw, 400 septims!
This Adventurer business might have something to it after all.


Sundas, 17th of Last Seed.

Awoke on a wagon together with 3 others. All men, Nords I presume.
All I can remember is trying to sneak across the border, hidden within the dusk.
But the Imperials found me, all thanks to some cretin yelling about a Skeever in his boot. Curses!

We arrived in a town called Helgen.
The chopping block were set up already.
Apparently one of the men on the wagon is a Jarl! Ulfric they called him. Jarl Ulfric of Windhelm.
He is the leader of a rebellion they call the Stormcloaks, opposing the Imperials.
I guess I feel a little better about it then, an enemy of the Imperials is a friend of mine!

You wouldn't believe what happened! A dragon attacked Helgen!
And just as my head was about to roll in the dirt. Have the Gods finally blessed me?

I bumped into a man named Hadvar during the chaos that ensued, we teamed up to get out of there.
Trekked through the ever so romantic catacombs, who promptly rained down over our heads.
Luck had it we got out in time though.

I arrived in Riverwood together with Hadvar the following night. His cousin Alvor kindly offered up shelter and some supplies. Turns out they want me to be an errand girl and run to a town called Whiterun to warn the Jarl there of the upcoming threat! Well, it can't be too bad, I am free now.